Best Call-to-Action Keywords for SMS Marketing

Pro Tips: Best Conversions Prompt Action, Emphasize Ease and Value

Your call to action, or CTA, is where the rubber meets the road in your digital campaign. If no one clicks on your call-to-action buttons, words, or phrases, you don’t get any leads, and if you don’t get any leads, you don’t generate any revenue. That’s right: Your text message marketing plan is only as good as your CTA.

Why is the CTA so important? The CTA tells your customers what to do, makes it easier for them to engage with your company and your campaign, motivates direct action, grabs attention, and incites emotion. When creating an SMS campaign, keep in mind that no matter what you are selling or how long the sentence is, it all has to be crafted around a great CTA.

READ MORE: SMS vs. Email Marketing in 2019: Which is Better?

There is no across-the-board equivalency in CTA keywords and phrases – the choice of which one to use depends on your specific situation, but here is a round up of winning words and phrases you can put to use today in your SMS campaign. Want more help? Visit LocalText and let us help you get started on a text messaging campaign with incredible conversion rates.

1. “Show this text”

“Show this text” works well when you are offering a deal, discount, or some other exclusive benefit at a physical location. The deal itself grabs attention, and the physical act of showing the phone at the register is the digital equivalent of knowing a secret handshake.

2. “Text SAVE to XXXX”

This immediate incentive rewards customers already contemplating making a purchase. If you are considering buying, why not save an extra $5?

3. “Click here”

Use “Click here” if you are running an SMS campaign that provides information – anything from reminders to event details. The click gets the customer the detailed information they need, but also puts them on your website. Woohoo!

4. “Text to win”

Everyone loves a contest, especially one that is free and easy to enter. This CTA can be used in many ways, such as including a keyword in a text or submitted user-generated media.

5. “Buy now”

This is what you are after, right? “Buy now” is simple, and paired with a hyperlink it sends customers directly to your website. Did you know that smartphones are responsible for nearly half of all online retail sales? Including a “buy now” link in your tests can help you take advantage of this.

Other Phrases That Work

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Looking for more help? We’d love to get you started on a great campaign! Visit LocalText, call us at (877) 310-7590 or email